Forza iron cross system
预计交付日期:2024 年 11 月 7 日
我真的很喜欢它。Gymnastics Forza它的设备非常强大,质量也很高。
我绝对喜欢这个!我有 280 磅!
由于医生的要求,我不能举重物。我可以全年使用forza ,减轻体重。感谢您创建了这个神奇的平台。
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在物理治疗过程中,我经常为病人使用体操Forza 设备,当然我也乐在其中。返回顶部
如果你想学习最难的维多利亚式、马耳他式、iron cross ,甚至是backflip ),你一定要试试。首席执行官和创始人也是一位了不起的人物。感谢你们的一切。
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Introduction to the Gymnastics Forza Iron Cross System
The Iron Cross is one of the most demanding skills in gymnastics, revered for its aesthetic appeal and the immense strength it requires. However, it is also notorious for the risk of injuries, particularly to the elbows and tendons. Recognizing these challenges, Gymnastics Forza has developed a specialized training system designed to make mastering the Iron Cross safe and progressive.
Our Iron Cross System allows athletes of all levels to develop the necessary strength and control gradually. Unlike traditional training methods that may overwhelm beginners or lead to injury, this system incorporates an innovative forearm support mechanism. This support provides stability during training, significantly reducing the strain on tendons and joints, which is crucial for preventing injuries.
The system features a carefully structured progression from levels 1 to 12. Each level is designed to gradually decrease assistance while increasing the demand on your muscles, ensuring that you build the strength required for the Iron Cross safely and effectively. This gradual approach not only promotes physical strength but also instills confidence in the athlete, allowing them to master this iconic skill without the fear of injury.
With the Gymnastics Forza Iron Cross System, you can embark on your journey toward mastering the Iron Cross with peace of mind, knowing that your training is built on a foundation of safety and progressive overload. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced gymnast, our system provides the necessary tools to achieve your goals while prioritizing your health and well-being.
- 12 Adjustable Levels: Provides progressive resistance to build strength safely.
- Joint Safety: Reduces strain on tendons and joints during training.
- Beginner Friendly: Allows newcomers to experience the Iron Cross immediately.
- Lightweight and Portable: Weighs only 1.5 kg for easy transportation.
- High-Quality Materials: Crafted in Italy for durability and reliability.
12 weeks program includes
Start your journey toward mastering the Iron Cross today!
how levels of resistance work
Level 12:50%
Level 11: 54.1%
Level 10: 58.2%
Level 9: 62.3%
Level 8: 66.4%
Level 7: 70.5%
Level 6: 74.5%
Level 5: 78.6%
Level 4: 82.7%
Level 3: 86.8%
Level 2: 90.9%
Level 1: 95%
gymnastics forza iron cross system
Explore new limits with the Iron Cross Trainer, engineered for gymnasts of all expertise levels. This system provides adjustable resistance, making it ideal for mastering the Iron Cross and enhancing ring routines at any age and skill level.
Welcome to Your Journey Towards Mastering the Iron Cross on Rings! You are about to embark on a transformative journey with our state-of-the-art gymnastics tool, designed to guide you step by step in learning and perfecting the iron cross on rings - one of gymnastics' most challenging and iconic skills.
This 12-week program is meticulously crafted to gradually increase your strength, improve your technique, and build the endurance necessary to achieve this pinnacle of gymnastics prowess.