BUNDLE 12 ( SAVE 207 USD) -Kolm täisvarustuses rõngast system Suur rakmed + üks väike rakmed.
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Estimated delivery: 07/11/2024
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Avastage põnevust meie klientide arvustustest ja videote all olevatest otsesõnumitest, mis jagavad nende pakendi avamise rõõmu. Teie jagatud hetked aitavad valgustada meie toodete kvaliteeti ja mõju. Liituge tähistamisega, jagades oma kogemusi.
Suurepärane vahend. Kasulik jõu- ja kontrollioskuste arendamiseks, aga ka akrobaatiliste elementide ohutuks ja vähendatud liigendkoormusega teostamiseks. Lihtne riputada. See on nüüd osa minu ettevalmistusest. Ma soovitan!
See asi on kuradi vinge. Pole aimugi, mida ma veel teen, aga loomulikult pidin kohe proovima planšeerida 🤣.
Ma sain selle . Väga hea kraam ma olen nii õnnelik th nii palju🙏
See meeldib mulle väga. Gymnastics Forza Seadmed on väga tugevad ja kvaliteetsed.😊
Mulle meeldib see absoluutselt! Ma olen 280 Ibs!
See on nii tore, et keegi minu suuruses õpib lihaste üles! Ma hindan teie ettevõtet ja toodet väga!!!
Ma ei tohi arstide nõudmise tõttu raskusi tõsta. Ma võin kasutada oma forza kogu aasta jooksul vähendada kaalu. Tänan selle hämmastava platvormi loomise eest.
Kõik, mida ma saan teha siin USAs, et aidata edendada, andke mulle teada.
Kuna ma olen sportlane, kasutan oma igapäevases treeningus gymnastics forza . Mitte ainult treenimine, vaid ka lõbutsemine ja sellega mängimine. Selline tore varustus on seda täiesti väärt ‡
Ma kasutan oma patsientidega füsioteraapiaseansside ajal regulaarselt võimlemisvahendeid Forza ja loomulikult naudin seda ka ise. Top
hämmastav toode. ma bougth esimene versioon ja see on nagu päev üks. kui sa tahad õppida kõige raskem gimnastic oskusi victorian, maltese, iron cross isegi backflip) sa pead minema selle eest. ka ceo ja asutaja selle uskumatu inimene. tänan teid kõiki.
Hämmastav varustus. See on minu teine, eelmisel aastal soovitati seda ühele minu kliendile. Ma tegin kogu tema rehabilitatsiooni selle abil. Tõesti lahe kvaliteetne materjal.
Fenomenaalne toode ja hästi ehitatud. Ma plaanin teha täispikkuses algusest lõpuni video, mis sisaldab teie toodet, kui ma saan tegelikult naelutada kogu planche withput abi. Nii saan ma näidata inimestele, kui palju see toode on aidanud mind selle konkreetse oskuse ja üldise füüsilise tasakaaluga. Ma arvan, et järgmise 3 kuni 6 kuu jooksul on see selle tootega võimalik.
Marco Lodadio maailmameister
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Enjoy a Seamless Shipping Experience at Gymnastics Forza 🌍✨
We're delighted to offer you global shipping because we believe the joy of gymnastics should have no boundaries. For most destinations around the world, we'll cover the shipping costs, ensuring that you can shop without extra fees. Expect your carefully packed order to arrive between 5 to 10 days, bringing the excitement of Gymnastics Forza right to your doorstep 📦🚚
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Get ready to elevate your gymnastics game with us! 🤸♂️💫
Garantii 📄
Oleme uhked, et saame pakkuda oma klientidele kolmeaastane garantii kõigil meie toodetel 🛡️, rõhutades meie usaldust meie müüdavate toodete kvaliteedi ja usaldusväärsuse suhtes. Meie tooted, mis on valmistatud Itaalias parimatest materjalidest 🇮🇹, on juba aastaid usaldusväärselt teeninud meie kliente, tugevdades meie mainet.Elastsete ainete välistamine 🚫: See garantii ei hõlma elastseid tooteid. Hoolimata kvaliteetsest ehtsast lateksist, kuluvad kummikud loomulikult aja jooksul. Me püüame pakkuda kvaliteetseid kummikuid, kuid nende eluiga võivad mõjutada erinevad välised tegurid.
Garantii katvus 🛠️: Meie garantii hõlmab ainult tootmisvead. Tänu meie põhjalikule kontrolliprotsessile, kus iga toodet uuritakse hoolikalt 🔍, on tootmisvead uskumatult haruldased. Väidame uhkusega, et 99,9% meie toodetest vastab võrratutele kvaliteedistandarditele, mis näitab meie pühendumust tipptasemele.
Garantiinõude protsess 📧: Palun saatke meile e-kirja koos fotodega tooteprobleemist, teie tellimuse number ja konkreetsed fotod, mis demonstreerivad defekti. Meie meeskond hindab teie pretensiooni ja kui defekt leiab kinnitust, vahetame kahjustatud tööriista osa välja. Võtke meiega ühendust e-posti, telefoninumbri või WhatsAppi kaudu, mis kõik on kättesaadavad meie veebisaidil oleva vestluse kaudu.
Garantiiperiood ⏳: Garantii kestab kolm aastat alates ostukuupäevast. Pakume kümnepäevast tarneperioodi alates ostukuupäevast, tagades, et teie toode on kaitstud alates selle kättesaamise hetkest.
See garantii peegeldab meie pühendumust pakkuda kõrgeima kvaliteedi ja vastupidavusega tooteid, mis on hoolikalt valmistatud Itaalias 🇮🇹 ja mida kontrollitakse suurima hoolikusega. Me seisame oma toodete eest, tagades oma klientidele täieliku rahulolu ja meelerahu oma ostudega.
Elevate your training programs with the Gymnastics Forza Bundle 12 and unleash the potential of your athletes!
Introducing Bundle 12—the ultimate training package for gyms seeking to maximize their training options. This comprehensive set includes three full kit Gymnastics Forza Rings Systems with two large harnesses and one small harness, perfect for accommodating athletes of all sizes and skill levels.
This bundle is specifically crafted for training facilities, allowing multiple athletes to train simultaneously without the need for equipment switching. With the inclusion of the small harness, even younger athletes can participate, enabling a more inclusive environment for kids as well as adults.
The Gymnastics Forza Rings System is designed to help users develop upper body strength and stability, with adjustable levels that cater to various skill levels. This versatility allows for a wide range of exercises to be performed safely and effectively, accommodating everyone from beginners to advanced athletes.
Whether you’re running a gymnastics class or a calisthenics /crossfit training session, this bundle provides the tools needed to facilitate effective workouts. With its high-quality materials and thoughtful design, Bundle 12 ensures durability and performance, making it an essential addition to any training facility.
Why Choose the Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle?
• Versatile Training Options: With three full systems, your gym can accommodate multiple users at various skill levels simultaneously. This flexibility allows for dynamic group classes where athletes can work together while focusing on their individual progress.
• Ideal for Group Classes: This bundle is perfect for gym classes, as it allows instructors to lead training sessions with participants of varying abilities. The adjustable nature of the Gymnastics Forza Ring System enables everyone, from beginners to advanced athletes, to train safely and effectively together.
• Adjustable for All Levels: The adjustable nature of the Gymnastics Forza Ring System means that trainers can easily modify resistance and difficulty to suit each participant’s needs. Whether adding weights for advanced users or providing support for beginners, this bundle ensures everyone can train effectively and safely.
• Kid-Friendly Addition: The inclusion of a small harness makes this bundle accessible for younger participants or those with smaller waist sizes. This feature allows gyms to engage a broader audience, including youth athletes, without compromising safety or training quality.
• Cost-Effective Solution: By offering three complete kits in one bundle, gyms can maximize their training potential while enjoying significant savings. This economical choice makes it easier to provide high-quality training resources without the need for extensive investment in individual systems.
Enhance Your Training Experience
The Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle is crafted to support a range of movements essential for gymnastics, calisthenics, and breaking. With this all-encompassing package, your gym can provide an exceptional training environment that fosters strength, coordination, and explosive performance.
Invest in the Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle to create a more engaging and versatile training space. Empower your members to reach their fitness goals together while enjoying the benefits of a thoughtfully designed training system that accommodates all ages and skill levels!
- Three large harnesses: maximum load 450kg
- Six wooden rings with 20cm bands and carabiners attached
- Six high-strength ropes: maximum load 900kg
- Six pulleys: fiberglass and steel, swivel steel hook, maximum load 300kg each
- Twelve climbing carabiners: maximum load 1200kg each
- Six adjustable tie-down straps for rings: 40mm wide
- Six straps for attaching weights and bars: 40cm long, maximum load 450kg each
- Three bags
- One small harness: maximum load 450kg
The Gymnastics Forza tutorial is a comprehensive 12-week program tailored for all fitness levels, focusing on enhancing strength, technique, and coordination through customizable resistance levels. Designed to facilitate safe and efficient learning of complex gymnastics skills, it features a progressive series of workouts—from beginner to advanced—enabling precise tracking of progress. Utilizing both the Gymnastics Forza equipment and classic floor exercises, this modular program ensures engagement and motivation by allowing immediate immersion into advanced skills, fostering both physical and technical growth for beginners and seasoned athletes alike.
Video tutoriao trailer
gymnastics forza rings system explained
gymnastics forza system WORKOUT FOR ALL LEVELS
backflip workout
Lightweight & Portable (3KG)
The ideal travel accessory, compact and portable, ensuring you never skip a beat, no matter where you are.
workout For All Levels
Designed for versatility, the Gymnastic Forza Ring System adapts to all skill levels and ages, ensuring everyone from beginners to advanced athletes can safely enhance their performance.
Fast, Easy Set Up anywhere
Comes with everything you need to start training. Just find a beem, tree, or pole to anchor your straps—no tools required.