Forza rings &backflip system 大型安全帶
- 預計交貨時間: Dec 27 - Dec 31
所有訂單滿 $179免運費
這玩意兒真他媽的棒。還不知道自己在做什麼,但我自然得立刻嘗試 Planche 🤣
我真的很喜歡它。Gymnastics Forza'的設備非常強大和高品質。
我絕對喜歡這個!我有 280 磅!
由於醫生的要求,我不能舉重。我可以全年使用forza 減輕重量。感謝您創建這個令人驚嘆的平台。
身為一名健身運動員,我在每天的訓練中使用gymnastics forza 。不僅是訓練,也是享受其中的樂趣。這麼好的器材完全值得擁有 ‡
在物理治療期間,我經常使用體操Forza 儀器為我的病人進行治療,當然我也很享受。回頂端
我買了第一版,感覺就像第一天一樣。如果你想學習最難的練習技巧,維多利亞式、馬爾他式、iron cross ,甚至是backflip),你一定要買。CEO 和創始人也是個了不起的人。謝謝你們。
驚人的產品,製造精良。我打算等我真的能在沒有輔助的情況下完成完整的planche時,再用您的產品製作一個從頭到尾的完整視頻。這樣我就可以向人們展示這個產品對我的這項特殊技能和整體身體平衡有多大的幫助。我認為在未來 3 到 6 個月內,使用此產品是有可能的。
Marco Lodadio 世界獎牌得主冠軍
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我們很高興能為您提供全球運送服務,因為我們相信gymnastics 的喜悅應該是無國界的。對於全球大多數目的地,我們都會承擔運費,確保您購物無需支付額外費用。預期您精心包裝的訂單會在 5 到 10 天之間到達,將Gymnastics Forza 的興奮直接送到您的家門口 📦🚚
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準備與我們一起提升您的gymnastics 遊戲!🤸♂️💫
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我們很榮幸能為客戶提供 三年保固 🛡️,強調我們對所銷售產品的品質和可靠性的信任。我們的產品採用最優質的材料在義大利製造,🇮🇹,多年來一直為客戶提供可靠的服務,鞏固了我們卓越的聲譽。彈性纖維的排除 🚫:本保固不適用於彈性產品。儘管使用高品質的真乳膠,彈性體仍會隨著時間自然磨損。我們致力於提供高品質的彈性體,但其使用壽命可能會受到各種外在因素的影響。
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保固期間 ⏳:保固期為 三 年,自購買日起算。我們提供自購買日起的十天運送期,確保您的產品從收到的那一刻起就受到保護。
這項保證反映出我們致力於提供最高品質與耐用性的產品,這些產品在義大利精心製造 🇮🇹,並經過最嚴謹的檢查。我們堅持我們的產品,保證客戶完全滿意並安心購買。
Introducing the Gymnastics Forza Ring System
The Gymnastics Forza Ring System revolutionizes bodyweight training by integrating the principle of Progressive Overload. This innovative approach allows you to gradually increase the resistance and intensity of your workouts, making it easier to master challenging movements safely and effectively.
Unlike traditional elastic bands that offer inconsistent support, where assistance varies throughout the movement, the Gymnastics Forza system guarantees continuous support during the entire range of motion. This design allows you to strengthen all muscle groups evenly throughout each movement, providing a more realistic training experience. As a result, you can focus on perfecting your form and technique, knowing that you’re reinforcing every part of the movement.
At the heart of this system is a unique harness that provides necessary support during exercises. Unlike traditional training methods, which often require full strength from the outset, our system allows you to start at a comfortable level and progressively enhance your strength over time. This means you can experience the sensations of advanced movements, such as the planche, from day one, even if you haven’t yet built the requisite strength.
As you gain confidence and ability, the system facilitates a gradual transition to more demanding exercises. The adjustable support enables you to perform bodyweight movements with an emphasis on proper technique, reducing the risk of injury while you work towards achieving your fitness goals.
Whether you’re a beginner exploring gymnastics for the first time or an experienced athlete aiming to refine your skills, the Gymnastics Forza Ring System empowers you to train intelligently and progressively. Start your journey with us and unlock the potential of bodyweight training in a safe, structured manner.
This comprehensive kit enables you to learn all gymnastics and calisthenics moves performed by elite athletes on gymnastics rings, parallettes, and the floor, including front and back flips. It is designed to allow you to perform all calisthenics and gymnastics exercises gradually and safely, encompassing advanced moves executed by elite athletes. With this equipment and consistent practice, users can achieve their fitness goals and develop advanced skills akin to professional athletes. Regardless of your current level, this training kit can help you progress to the next stage of your fitness journey.
Beginner and Advanced Friendly: Whether you are a novice or an experienced athlete, this device caters to all skill levels. It helps you master any movement by providing the necessary support and gradually increasing resistance.
Joint Safety: Training without assistance often leads to shoulder and bicep injuries. This system helps you strengthen your joints gradually, adding resistance progressively to avoid injuries. This safe approach ensures you build strength and stability over time.
Structured Training Program: We offer a specialized 12-week program for the Planche and other high-level movements. This program is designed to strengthen your shoulders and upper body, teaching techniques that translate into improved performance in various movements.
Advanced Movements: The Gymnastics Forza Ring System supports you in mastering these high-level skills safely and effectively.
High-Quality Materials: Made in Italy with top-quality materials, the Gymnastics Forza Ring System is practically indestructible. These durable materials ensure longevity, providing a reliable training tool that withstands intense workouts.
Light Weight: Gymnastics Forza rings equipment is made to easily go on the road with you. It weighs only 3.5 kg and comes with accessories for easy use anywhere—from a doorway to a park.
Whether you are starting your gymnastics journey or are a seasoned athlete, the Gymnastics Forza Ring System inspires confidence and helps you achieve your fitness goals safely and efficiently. Invest in a product designed to elevate your training experience and deliver exceptional results.
kit specifications
• One large harness: maximum load 450 kg
• Two ropes pin to hang weights
• Two wooden rings: 32 mm with 20 cm bands and carabiners attached
• Two high-strength ropes: maximum load 900 kg
• Two pulleys: fiberglass and steel, swivel steel hook, maximum load 300 kg each
• Four climbing carabiners: maximum load 1200 kg each
• Two adjustable tie-down straps for rings: 40 mm wide
• Two straps for attaching weights and bars: 40 cm long, maximum load 450 kg each
• One bag
WAIST 72-120 CM / 28-47 INCHES
High Adjustable Harness
Waist Size: 72-120 cm / 28-47 inches
Recommended for: All adults, including women
• High adjustability for a secure fit
• Designed for effective training and comfort
Gymnastics Forza 教學是一項為期 12 週的綜合課程,專為所有健身水平的人士量身打造,透過可自訂的阻力等級,著重增強力量、技巧和協調性。其設計目的在於促進安全且有效率地學習複雜的gymnastics 技能,其特色在於一系列循序漸進的練習 - 從初級到高級 - 可精確地追蹤進度。本模組化課程同時使用Gymnastics Forza 設備和經典的地板練習,可讓初學者和經驗豐富的運動員立即沉浸在進階技能的學習中,從而確保參與度和動力,促進體能和技術的成長。
gymnastics forza 環system 解釋
gymnastics forza system 適合各種程度的運動
backflip 鍛煉
輕巧可攜 (3KG)
體操Forza RingSystem 針對多功能性而設計,適合各種技術水準和年齡層,確保從初學者到進階運動員都能安全地提升表現。