捆綁包 12(節省 207 美元)-三個全套套件戒指system 大背帶+小背帶一根
預計交貨:2024 年 7 月 11 日
所有訂單滿 179 美元免運費
我得到了它 。非常好的東西我很高興🙏
我真的很喜歡它。 Gymnastics Forza的設備非常強大,品質也很高😊
由於醫生的要求,我不應該舉起重物。我可以用我的forza 全年都在減肥。感謝您創建這個令人驚嘆的平台。
作為一名健美運動員,我使用gymnastics forza 在我的日常鍛鍊中。不只是訓練,還有樂趣和玩耍。這麼好的設備完全值得‡
我用體操運動員Forza 在物理治療期間定期與我的患者一起使用設備,當然我也喜歡它。頂部
很棒的產品。我買了第一個版本,就像第一天一樣。如果你想學最難的體操技巧維多利亞、馬爾他, iron cross 甚至一個backflip )你必須去爭取。執行長和創辦人也是一個不可思議的人。謝謝大家。
非凡的產品並且建造精良。我計劃製作一個從頭到尾展示您的產品的完整視頻,當時我可以在幫助下真正完成整個木板的製作。這樣我就可以向人們展示該產品對我的這項特殊技能和整體身體平衡有多大幫助。我認為這個產品在未來 3 到 6 個月內是可能實現的。
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請隨意改變主意!您可以在出貨前取消任何訂單。只需快速給我們留言,我們就會停止該過程。如果它已經在寄給您的途中,請不要擔心 - 我們的退貨政策已為您提供保障。
不喜歡您購買的產品?完全沒問題。只要其仍處於全新狀態,請在 30 天內寄回。幸福有保障!
享受無縫運輸體驗Gymnastics Forza 🌍✨
我們很高興為您提供全球運輸,因為我們相信gymnastics 應該沒有界限。對於世界各地的大多數目的地,我們將承擔運費,確保您無需支付額外費用即可購物。預計您精心包裝的訂單將在 5 至 10 天內到達,帶來興奮Gymnastics Forza 就在你家門口📦🚚
準備好提升您的gymnastics 和我們一起遊戲吧! 🤸♂️💫
我們很自豪能為我們的客戶提供 三年保固 在我們所有的產品上🛡️,強調我們對所售產品的品質和可靠性的信任。我們的產品採用最優質的材料在義大利製造,多年來一直可靠地為我們的客戶服務,鞏固了我們卓越的聲譽。彈力帶除外 🚫:此保固不涵蓋彈性產品。儘管使用高品質的真正乳膠,但鬆緊帶會隨著時間的推移而自然磨損。我們努力提供高品質的鬆緊帶,但它們的使用壽命可能會受到各種外部因素的影響。
保固範圍 🛠️:我們的保固僅涵蓋製造缺陷。透過我們徹底的檢查流程,每件產品都經過仔細檢查🔍,製造缺陷非常罕見。我們自豪地宣稱,我們 99.9% 的產品符合無與倫比的品質標準,體現了我們對卓越的承諾。
保固索賠流程 📧:要提出保固索賠,請透過電子郵件向我們發送產品問題的照片、您的訂單號碼以及證明缺陷的具體照片。我們的團隊將評估您的索賠,如果確認有缺陷,我們將更換工具的損壞部分。透過電子郵件、電話號碼或 WhatsApp 聯絡我們,所有這些都可以透過我們網站上的聊天功能獲得。
保固期 ⏳:保固期為 三 年,從購買之日起計算。我們提供自購買之日起十天的運送期,確保您的產品從收到之日起就受到保護。
Elevate your training programs with the Gymnastics Forza Bundle 12 and unleash the potential of your athletes!
Introducing Bundle 12—the ultimate training package for gyms seeking to maximize their training options. This comprehensive set includes three full kit Gymnastics Forza Rings Systems with two large harnesses and one small harness, perfect for accommodating athletes of all sizes and skill levels.
This bundle is specifically crafted for training facilities, allowing multiple athletes to train simultaneously without the need for equipment switching. With the inclusion of the small harness, even younger athletes can participate, enabling a more inclusive environment for kids as well as adults.
The Gymnastics Forza Rings System is designed to help users develop upper body strength and stability, with adjustable levels that cater to various skill levels. This versatility allows for a wide range of exercises to be performed safely and effectively, accommodating everyone from beginners to advanced athletes.
Whether you’re running a gymnastics class or a calisthenics /crossfit training session, this bundle provides the tools needed to facilitate effective workouts. With its high-quality materials and thoughtful design, Bundle 12 ensures durability and performance, making it an essential addition to any training facility.
Why Choose the Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle?
• Versatile Training Options: With three full systems, your gym can accommodate multiple users at various skill levels simultaneously. This flexibility allows for dynamic group classes where athletes can work together while focusing on their individual progress.
• Ideal for Group Classes: This bundle is perfect for gym classes, as it allows instructors to lead training sessions with participants of varying abilities. The adjustable nature of the Gymnastics Forza Ring System enables everyone, from beginners to advanced athletes, to train safely and effectively together.
• Adjustable for All Levels: The adjustable nature of the Gymnastics Forza Ring System means that trainers can easily modify resistance and difficulty to suit each participant’s needs. Whether adding weights for advanced users or providing support for beginners, this bundle ensures everyone can train effectively and safely.
• Kid-Friendly Addition: The inclusion of a small harness makes this bundle accessible for younger participants or those with smaller waist sizes. This feature allows gyms to engage a broader audience, including youth athletes, without compromising safety or training quality.
• Cost-Effective Solution: By offering three complete kits in one bundle, gyms can maximize their training potential while enjoying significant savings. This economical choice makes it easier to provide high-quality training resources without the need for extensive investment in individual systems.
Enhance Your Training Experience
The Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle is crafted to support a range of movements essential for gymnastics, calisthenics, and breaking. With this all-encompassing package, your gym can provide an exceptional training environment that fosters strength, coordination, and explosive performance.
Invest in the Gymnastics Forza Elite Bundle to create a more engaging and versatile training space. Empower your members to reach their fitness goals together while enjoying the benefits of a thoughtfully designed training system that accommodates all ages and skill levels!
- Three large harnesses: maximum load 450kg
- Six wooden rings with 20cm bands and carabiners attached
- Six high-strength ropes: maximum load 900kg
- Six pulleys: fiberglass and steel, swivel steel hook, maximum load 300kg each
- Twelve climbing carabiners: maximum load 1200kg each
- Six adjustable tie-down straps for rings: 40mm wide
- Six straps for attaching weights and bars: 40cm long, maximum load 450kg each
- Three bags
- One small harness: maximum load 450kg
這Gymnastics Forza 教程是一個為期 12 週的綜合計劃,適合所有健身水平,重點是透過可自訂的阻力水平增強力量、技術和協調性。旨在促進安全高效的複雜學習gymnastics 它具有從初級到高級的一系列漸進式鍛煉,可以精確追蹤進度。利用兩者Gymnastics Forza 設備和經典的自由體操,這個模組化計劃通過允許立即沉浸在高級技能中來確保參與和動力,促進初學者和經驗豐富的運動員的身體和技術發展。
gymnastics forza 戒指system 解釋了
gymnastics forza system 適合各級的鍛煉
backflip 鍛鍊
Gymnastic 專為多功能性而設計Forza 戒指System 適合所有技能水平和年齡,確保從初學者到高級運動員的每個人都可以安全地提高他們的表現。